I’ve been on the holistic health and personal growth path since 1977 when I checked out Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Your Erroneous Zones from my hometown library. Since then I have explored many self-empowerment paths and programs while assisting others in making strides in their own personal development.
I completed Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and the Practitioner’s training courses in EFT/Pro-ER (Emotional Freedom Techniques and Progressive Emotional Release, a cousin to EFT) in 2009 and stand ready to help you improve any and all areas of your life via this amazingly simple yet effective energy work. I received my training from one of only 19 EFT Masters in the world, so I learned from one of the best. I’m also a member of The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques, so I’m constantly learning additional techniques that I make available to my clients.
As an EFT/Pro-ER Coach, I use my intuition and active listening skills to guide you through the tapping process, accessing your body’s energy system. It will be an honor to help you release stuck energy and unprocessed negative emotions. Because I know that what’s waiting for you can be a life free from chronic pain, stress and anxiety, low self-esteem, self-sabotage, fears, weight issues, relationship baggage, and just about anything else you suspect might be holding you back from leading the life you’ve always seen portrayed in movies but never thought you could have. You can and you will indeed be able to “tap your way to wellness,” wealth, weight loss, and anything else your heart desires! Even issues that have stood unresolved for decades can be resolved quickly and easily.
Please call or email me now to set up an appointment and let’s start tapping your way to wellness. Together we can reclaim your inherent power and refuel your love of life!